16 Sep CREPN #58 – Property Managers & Tenants Save Money & Time with Tyrone Poole
Property Managers and Tenants save money & time using NoAppFee.com. It takes money and time to rent housing. Now there is an application that works between property managers and tenants that will change the rental application and screening fees forever. Check out NoAppFee.com. [x_audio_embed][/x_audio_embed] SUBSCRIBE iTunes Stitcher Property managers make the appointment, show the unit, take the application and collect the fee. Then wait for the screening company to approve the new tenant. In order to get one unit rented, an average property manager will show a unit ten times. Then take three applications before getting a unit rented. Tenants make an appointment, travel to the unit, tour the unit, fill out an application, and pay the application fee, average $50 per adult. Then wait for an approval. When they receive an approval, they get the keys. If they are not approved, the process starts all over again. Due to the privacy laws, landlords and property management companies are not allowed to share the reported information with the tenant. To learn why they were declined, the prospective tenant has to contact the screening company. If this is done in writing, the process can take several weeks before the tenant finds a home. Until now. Tyrone Poole is owner of NoAppFee.com. The application is an interface between renters and property managers that eliminates the multiple showings for each party and matches only qualified renters with properties they are eligible for. Launched in September 2015, NoAppFee.com is currently operating in Portland, Georgia and Washington, NoAppFee.com placed 5th in a worldwide app competition against 3000 others. The focus for the next eight months is to prove the product in these three different markets before it goes nationwide. The program is beautifully simple: Enrolled property managers define the minimum parameters of acceptability for tenants. Tenants enroll paying a one time $35 application fee. The tenant information is fed into the NoAppFee.com algorithm and instantly provides to tenants a list of units they qualify for. When the tenant contacts the property manager regarding the unit with their pre screened information the number of times required to show the unit is reduced considerably. NoAppFee.com checks the property managments site each morning to update the available units. To learn more to to: https://www.noappfee.com [author title=”About the Author”]]]>