13 Jan CREPN #75 – How to Dominate Your Marketplace with Rod Santomassimo
The new year brings a new opportunity to dominate your marketplace. [x_audio_embed][/x_audio_embed] Rod Santomassimo with the Massimo Group is a CCIM, former Commercial Real Estate Broker, author of multiple books. He works as a consultant to Commercial Real Estate Professionals to help increase their results. In order to produce consistent results, here are some suggestions Rod teaches to his clients. Before you set a goal, it is important to know where you have been successful first. Who are your current and past clients. What were the exact circumstances that helped you make the sale. Also, what were circumstances of your failures. Knowing this first is key to understanding who your ideal prospects should be going forward for your greatest results. Now, you can set a goal for a particular sales amount, but you would be wise to reverse engineer the number to determine the activity needed to reach it. Then make the activity your goal. Regardless if you are setting your goals on January 1 or June 18, a brand new or an experienced broker, if you want to dominate your marketplace, the following will help you get there. In order to dominate your marketplace, you need to have a funnel full of opportunity. If you have not created a presence in your market, this is where you start. It takes a lot of work, but the reward is pipe full of opportunity and consistent results. To fill your pipe, you need a marketing plan of action. Rod suggests that brokers be very disciplined about establishing their presence. This can only be done with regular communication with prospects. Providing valuable information regularly to prospects will help develop rapport and trust with prospects and top of mind. Meeting in person, leaving behind content with your brand and contact information and regularly communicating via email, or other digital platform, ie: Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook. Regular activity will develop top of mind position over your competition. For more information go: http://www.massimo-group.com/ [email protected] [author title=”About the Author”]]]>