21 Oct CREPN #63 – Is Water Damage Covered or Not Covered?
Posted at 07:00h
in Podcast
Is Water Damage Covered or not? Water falling from the sky is rain. Water rising from the river is flood and NOT COVERED. Water bursting from a pipe is COVERED! Is Water Damage Covered? [x_audio_embed][/x_audio_embed] If you have ever read an insurance policy it’s easy to want to make the pain stop. However, if you have a claim, it is important to know if you have coverage, or not. On Joe Fairless Best Ever Show Podcast #746 I was the guest and we discussed damage caused by water.
The standard property policy EXCLUDES Water:
- Flood, surface water, waves, tides, tidal water or spray from any of these
- Mudslide or mudflow
- Water that backs up or overflows or is otherwise discharged from a sewer, drain , sump, sump pump or related equipment
- Water under the ground surface pressing on or flowing or seeping through:
- Foundations
- Basements
- Doors or windows
- Backup of Sewer or Drain for limits from $5,000 to $100,000
- Purchase Flood Insurance
- Get an elevation certificate that determines you are above the floodplain.
- Get a letter of Map Amendment
- Checkout CREPN #35 with Steve Gill, owner of Flood Risk America
- http://commercialrealestatepronetwork.com/podcasts/crepn-35-how-to-save-on-flood-insurance/
- Get a letter of Map Amendment