18 Nov CREPN #67 – The EXPERT in You with Nick Raithel
Are you the Expert your Commercial Real Estate clients and prospects need to solve their problem? Have you put pen to paper, typed a how to manual or authored a book? [x_audio_embed][/x_audio_embed] If you really want others to recognize you as the expert, you have to have something written they can take with them after you gone. One proven way to increase your status as an expert is to be an author. The written word gives prospects and others the opportunity to learn from you about how you solve a problem or do what you do better than others. A book can define and accelerate your commercial real estate investment strategy. Today’s guest is Nick Raithel, Creator: The 7-Hour Book takes us through how you can increase your value value to your clients and prospects when you are an author with a book. This is a real way to differentiate yourself from the competition. A book can lead you to much more. It can be a springboard to additional opportunities, increased visibility in your community, speaking engagements, keynote speaker in front of your ideal prospects, products, coaching, travel and more.